Saturday, November 29, 2008

that just made my effing life.

so did this:
stand with your lover on the ending earth-

and while a(huge which by which huger than
huge)whoing sea leaps to greenly hurl snow

suppose we could not love,dear;imagine

ourselves like living neither nor dead these
(or many thousand hearts which don't and dream
or many million minds which sleep and move)
blind sands,at pitiless the mercy of

time time time time time

-how fortunate are you and i,whose home
is timelessness:we who have wandered down
from fragrant mountains of eternal now

to frolic in such mysteries as birth
and death a day(or maybe even less)

thank you e.e.cummings. neverfail

blue vs. white.

i'm not sure how i feel about all of this.

anything=no limits
no limits=infinity

i'm sitting here, trying to figure out just why exactly this song doesn't sound the same.
it doesn't sound the same in light as it did in the dark.
it doesn't sound the same in warmth as it did in the cold.
i don't know why.
maybe it had something to do with the rain on the windows.

i'm not sure how i feel about all of this.

"there is not justice
no truth
no forgiveness
no getting around it
and no turning back
there are only shadows of you and me
and splinters of light were hope breaks between"

- (this guy so ripped of a softer world, but i like his poetry)

i got an e-mail today. the subject said "congratulations!" i read further to see "you're not crazy!"
and i closed the window, shut off the computer, and cried. i hate spam.

Friday, November 28, 2008

you are the rock

this image gives me so much joy. it makes me laugh every time i get to step 8. hilarious.
i'm 16 now. no difference. except for feeling stupid for waiting so long to get my permit considering i cannot get my license until january. although, i like that i actually feel like i'm older. and i'm going to like telling people i'm 16, rather than 15. i felt stupid at 15. i was. i still am. i enjoy being young i decided. it just goes all away so fast and it's only a few years. time does not exist. and i'm kind of done taking myself so seriously i think. i'm not so sure any of this even matters any more..
i just start thinking a lot on my birthdays. i don't like it. i don't like them. i don't like how we measure our lives.

"I never felt so safe
A line I once told her
Warm, resting place
Her arms on my shoulder

You are the rock
You are the rake
You are the one when I watch myself"

no logical sense comes from those words. but i get it. i know.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

what can you do with a sentimental heart?

"I don't wanna wonder whether you love me
I don't wanna wonder whether you care
So don't try to woo me
Don't try to fool me
Oh, I know all of your tricks
It's the possibility of stayin' in my corner"

why on earth did i wait so long to get this album? good. ness. this could've saved me from some nights. zooey deschanel defiantly impressed. and of course, m. ward could never do wrong. this is so comforting to my soul. it's so classic and old-fashioned. mmm.

i bought myself a birthday present: a typewriter. it is one of the loveliest things i own. without a doubt.
i still have to name him/her. i decided it's going to be after someone who inspires me to write. so i just have to think about that. i can't use Sylvia because that name is being reserved for my dream, baby-blue typewriter i will own one day. i'm leaning towards jack. but that's so plain i can hardly stand it. so perhaps sal. or pic or pictorial. i would like it to be kerouac based since him and typewriters are just associated with one another i guess. o' course, there's always the possibility of just naming him ry. i'll sleep on it.

Friday, November 21, 2008

you break your neck to keep your chin up

i'm living proof that telling a hidden secret let's some of the burden off.
sheesh. no more eating away at my insides. freedom of a sort. it's goodgood.
and as if by some miracle
it's over
just by vocalizing some darkness
it leaves. frightened away.

i say we sit in a restaurant at talk about how every other person in there is related to each of us. and make-believe that we're all there for a family reunion. and tell stories of false relatives. or we can chat it up about how meaningless words are, and how they are all made up and twisted to mean something when in reality, there's no use in understanding. and wonder what people did before they unified a language. how did one tell someone that they wanted them to leave. how would one warn someone of an enemy. how would one tell the other they loved him or her. or of course, there is always the conversation of infinity, or lack thereof. and let's blow our minds because neither of us, along with every other human, can't wrap ourselves around the idea of forever.
all of this over hamburgers and fries. any day of the year.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

you are an ass, a snake in the grass

ryad has started a personal blog. he's got a lot of pictures up. very good.

i beasted my Julius Caesar speech today. 69/70. aw yeah.

oh, it feels so good to be done with you. this is some kind of relief i have never felt before. i just want to laugh. at you. and at myself to ever feeling what i did. and for giving you a second (actually way more) chance. i don't even care anymore.

and it's good to know how i can just laugh about this. it's actually really effing hilarious.
your words mean nothing to me anymore. in hindsight, they are more comical than any joke i have ever been told. real effing hilarious. it's good to know now that you were such a good liar.

but i think i'd trade the fast-approaching winter for summer. and i'd rather be sarcastic than perverted. and i'm more comfortable with no friends than a large group. and i like piano better than guitar. your lack of knowledge completely disturbs me. 0-1 car wrecks. i hate paying $9 for a movie ticket. i would rather be outside than in a car. or outside than sitting on a couch. i wish you took me more seriously. i wish i could take you more seriously. and i wish you could see me through different eyes. maybe of a clearer color.
and i would take hurtful honesty than silence any day.

can't you? just, please?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

learning to love you more

and i'll leave it at that.
because this may be one of my favorite websites i've found.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

you move awfully quiet now

um, i'm losing my mind.
no joke. i feel like i am mentally unstable.
so, i will just not write in this place.
because i'm fearful of what i would say in this state.

this happens anytime the weather gets cold and windy.

and damn you sylvia plath. your writings are making me go even more out of my mind.
"Remember how he trusting looked long and sweetly at you out of the dark at the door with all the wild wind in the dark grasses, and how love was there in his face - making you, miraculously, the dream girl and woman, sister and sweetheart, mother and spiritual mistress. You walked in, laughter, tears welling, confused, mingling in your throat. How can you be so many women to so many people, oh you strange girl?"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


i didn't even realize how much pride i had to swallow before i noticed the tears running down my face from choking on all of it.
so, this is new. this is a change. for the better i think. i'm really vulnerable, but to my utter surprise, it has only gotten better. so i'm doing this one day at a time. tomorrow? wha? i have not even considered that. if i do, i'll start hyperventilating maybe. just in this moment. i'm here and okay.

but nostalgia has never kicked in this hard. i can't quite remembering your face and how hard you made me laugh. i cannot forget all the time we shared, good or bad. you were a part of my life. and i don't think you deserved what i did. how i left. but i'm okay. and i know you are too. i think you would love to know how much everyone loves and misses you. you probably already do though.
but i will never be able to listen to smashing pumpkins without thinking about you. and i'll never be able to eat marshmallows without remembering you. even that one shade of green reminds me of you always. i know you will not soon be forgotten. i'd like to believe you know how sorry i am. and how i wish i could just hug you once more, and tell you that you were one of the best guys.
i cannot shake your image from my head. even with my eyes open, you are all i see.

i don't believe in coincidences. i don't believe it was just by chance that the first song i heard after hearing about you was "james" by Great Book of John
and i don't think it was just random that when i opened my bible that night, it landed in the book of James.
so i believe everything happens for a reason. even if i don't know why. because i don't. no one here does. you will not soon be forgotten.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

incurable humanist

i have not been this speechless in a long time.
but tonight awoke way too many emotions and memories. and i can't quite handle this. it's a first. and i have to live. i can't do this. not anymore. this, this hatred and these fights, it's far to tolling. too tiring and way too sickening.
i have already waited too long, i've learned. i have taken far too much for granted. i have wasted away in pettiness and pride. believed far too many lies to justify myself and to ease my own pain.

and i couldn't tell you how long it's been since i cried on someone's shoulder before tonight.
i could not tell you how long it's been since i have felt loved like i once did.

i don't know. and i don't expect anyone else to. i don't expect You to give me answers. i pray that You guide me and show me what to do.

Monday, November 3, 2008



heartbeat racing.
pounding hard against my temples.
beating too fast to keep track of.
breath comes quick and shallow
although gulping more air in than ever
the oxygen creates a dizzy sensation.
eyesight now blurred and tunneling.
fingertips shaking causing unsteady handwriting.
limbs shaking if asked to move.
a shaking, shivering wreck
heaped on the ground across piles of clothes.
gasping for too much unneeded air.
the oxygen creates a high-like feeling.
and stomach churning, can't hold anything down.
sick feeling climbs up throat.
do anything to keep the sick down.
still shaking and still beating and still breathing.
too much movement on the body's part.
cannot convulse, shake, beat, gasp, rise, and run all at once.
still quaking. still not even sure if breath is being drawn.
but heart still beating faster now than ever before.
although chest has caved in.

and this was on purpose? i don't think this is exactly what i wanted. can i get different results, please?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

if i'm sorry, sorry enough

"if there is such a thing
that is between me and the dreams dear
me and those dreams,
we’re getting along
just fine
know that
know that
all the way
your safe channel
whatever those blankets
look like
and my eyes
what it looks like when i laugh
belly ease
you aren’t made of a lie
and you
you did that
and you
you’re magick
i am here
i am here
in an ours fingers crossed position
locked down
in the cobwebs
no matter
my body goes
just so
just so
you know
perfect dreamer
nylon string hunter
feedback maker
restarting device
recurring ever-present

-ryan adams.

um, i don't really, can't really say anything after reading that.
but i got Cardinology in the mail today. and have listened to nothing but that since then.
um, i don't really know what's happening right now.
i worked today after a couple weeks absence. hate my job. hate the smell of brunch foods and the sound of clinking dishes and people stuffing their faces whilst asking me for more and expecting me to carry out their every whim. people disgust me. working in a restaurant just kind of kills me. and i see how much waste goes down. and how terrible people are. but i like to people watch. so that's a plus. and free coffee? while getting paid. why not.

so, i'm writing a really horrid novel. i'm saying this because advice says to tell as many people as possible so that on week 2 the fear of humiliation will keep me writing. and i know i'll need that kind of motivation. so i'm writing a novel. it's killling me.

i'm trying to think logically. here.

dear impossible,

… how i will miss you

i miss you even now"

-ryan adams.