Tuesday, February 17, 2009

i was going to buy an acoustic guitar,
but this jack-ass ran a red light, hit my car, and drove off.
now, i have to pay for the repairs myself.
my 2nd day of driving my car. wow.
it's just a dent and scratched up. i wouldn't fix it if my dad hadn't given me a "take pride in what you own" speech. i just want to be a proud owner of a guitar.
so with all the money i've been saving almost a year, i get to fix my car. hurrah.


Meghan said...

my car window was busted open last christmas. i had to pay for that.

as well the bumper that fell of my car.

and the three flats that i've had over the past year.

driving is so fun. :)

kath said...

:( ugh, that's so sad.
that makes me feel a little better about my one tiny thing.

but yeah, driving isn't as great as i thought, considering that i'm frightened all the time now.